Please complete the online camp application process. If you cannot apply online will need to contact the camp director. Since all our information will be on the secure server, the camp director will set up a phone call to take your information over the phone and enter it in the online system.
Steps to apply online (Updated 4/2021)
- Upon clicking the green Apply Now button on the camp description page, login to the COGWA Portal.
Portal Login
If you do not have a COGWA Portal login for your family you will need to create an account to apply. Read the “Camp Application System” article before creating a new account. It will explain the process and will also point out a few important items.
- Under Events in the lower left corner of the portal home screen, click the “Apply for this Camp” button for the camp you want to attend as a camper or as staff.
You will start at the same place you’ve always gone—the COGWA Portal. When you log into the account, you will see the CYC application notice at the bottom left of your screen. To this point, everything will look the same. However, when you click on the “Apply” button, you will notice things starting to change.
The instructions in the blue box above your list of household members will be much larger with a lot more detailed instructions. We encourage you to read everything in that blue box very carefully! You will note several important points, including the following highlights:
- There are new forms spread across several pages and very little will be “pre-populated” (automatically filled in), so you will have to enter a lot of information for each household member this year.
- However, once you have entered that information for an applicant, applying for a second camp will be very quick. Whatever you entered will pre-populate any subsequent 2021 camp application—for that applicant.
- Please note, this will apply for each household member individually.
- This system will require you to upload a photo with each application, so you will need to have handy a recent full-face digital photo (taken within the last three months) to upload with each application.
Please note that when you hit "Submit" you will see the graphic below. The COGWA Portal is transmitting all that data to our Salesforce database and the screen may not change for up to a minute as that process is taking place. Please do not leave that screen. It will change when it is finished.
We appreciate your patience in working with this new system. If you have any trouble or questions, you can contact us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to assist you.
Please NOTE: In order to be sure someone sees it, a confirmation email message will be sent to both the email address of the applicant and the email address of the 1st Contact (Parent/Guardian/Emergency) person.
After submitting information online
Before your application is considered complete, there are a few items to double-check. Please visit the Next Steps page to review them. The camp director will contact you with further instructions and information upon acceptance.
Please wait to receive a camp acceptance email from the camp director with further information and instructions.
Important information about data security and questions being asked during the application process:
Governmental regulations and concerns over the protection of minors have continued to increase, so you will find a few questions on the application that relate to that topic. In response to what state governments are beginning to require here in the U.S., the most reputable association in the camping realm has changed their regulations to require a background check of all adults who want to serve at camps to show due diligence in wanting to protect the precious young people who attend camps
For your peace of mind, all camp application information is collected on an encrypted SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connection to protect the data you provide over the Internet.