Camp Sequoia-Preteen 2015 Summary
July 11, 2015
Camp Sequoia (preteen) completed its fifth year at the current location in the southern end of the Sequoia National Forest. We had 31 campers and 30 staff members come together for a wonderful and inspiring camp this year. Fifteen of our staff members were teens aged 13-17. That is half of our staff, and it was encouraging to see these teens serving and giving back to the next generation of...
Camp Bob White 2015 Summary
July 9, 2015
We returned Thursday evening from Camp Bob White in central Missouri. Camp is always busy, but even more so this year, since we had about 30 percent more campers and staff than we’ve ever had before! The 133 campers and staff came from Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota and North Dakota (I don’t think I left anyone out …). It is...
Camp Lone Star 2015 Summary
July 6, 2015
Camp Lone Star is over [ended June 17], and I wanted to let all of you know that we had a great time at a very successful camp down here in soggy south Texas this year. A very enthusiastic staff of 74 guided the 93 campers that had very high levels of energy each and every day.
The rain couldn’t dampen our spirits as we worked around Tropical Storm Bill on several occasions. And when it did rain,...
Camp Application Deadlines
May 22, 2015
As we move through the month of May, we want to remind everyone that each teen and preteen camp has set their own deadline for receiving online applications. Several of them have passed and others are coming up soon. The deadline for Camp Strong Rock has just been extended a couple of weeks to allow more time for applications. If you’d like to attend camp this summer—as a camper or as a staff...
Camp Website Updated
March 10, 2015
We are happy to say that the online application system is now active for all COGWA Youth Camps, and the website has been updated to reflect this year’s camp season. We made some more changes that we hope will be helpful to everyone. Just to name a few: We’ve added short introductory videos (narrated by the directors) about each camp location. We’ve modified the online questions asked and added...
Camp Update
February 26, 2015
It is usually around this time of year that the camp website is updated and we announce the online application process opening. We are making some updates and adding some more enhancements to the site this year. Watch for an announcement soon about it being ready for this year’s camp season!
--Ken Treybig
2015 Camp Dates
January 7, 2015
The dates are set for COGWA Youth Camps in 2015. We will post the dates here in the news feed and begin working on revising the camp website over the next month to get all the camp descriptions and the online registration system updated. Our goal is to have the site ready for registrations by mid- to late February.
However, we are adding some enhancements this year. For instance, we hope to have a...
Camp Facebook Page
May 28, 2014
We are pleased to announce that a Facebook page has been set up for the entire COGWA Youth Camp program. Now you can stay up on each camp through the year as it takes place in one location. The on-site action will begin next month with two preteen camps—Camp Sequoia in California and Camp Bob White in Missouri. Be sure to visit...
Special Staff Needs
May 22, 2014
We still need a few specialized staff members for a couple of our camps. The Sequoia (California) teen camp is in need of a nurse and possibly a certified lifeguard. If you have the necessary credentials and would like to help by giving of your time in a majestic setting in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, please register now! As well, the Chattahoochee preteen camp in Georgia is...
New Camp Website is Live
March 3, 2014
We are happy to announce that the revised camp website is live, and registration is now open for our 2014 preteen and teen camps, as well as the Snowy Range Challenger program. Chattahoochee Preteen and Winter Camps are still finalizing some of the details and costs, but the site will be updated and their links added to the registration system as soon as all the details are set. The URL is the same as before,