2021 Camp COVID Protocols/Applications
April 15, 2021
Greetings from the camp team! We are looking forward to running our camps as normal this year—with a few modifications. We have spent countless hours researching and discussing how we might be able to safely run our camps, and we have modeled our current thinking for requirements on how the American Camp Association described some camps running successfully in person. The approach basically involves testing everyone before camp, as well as adding some more screening and ongoing monitoring of campers and staff.
We have posted our conclusions on a new COVID page of the camp website. It is available by clicking this link ( or by going to the camp website and selecting the “COVID” tab on the top navigation bar.
We would encourage everyone considering camp this summer to take a look at the page. As you do, keep in mind that the newer approach to PCR tests involves only running a swab around the nostrils, not the deep push up into the nasal cavity.
Additionally, we would remind everyone that this situation is fluid—meaning that if things in the areas around our camp locations either improve or get worse, we will modify our protocols. For example, the CDC has just released some new information about the antigen (rapid) tests being more accurate than in the past. We are currently evaluating that information, and if it is clear we should modify our protocols, we will be sure to post that information—so please be patient, but check the page regularly.
We also wanted to give you a quick update on the application system. It has been further delayed due to having our outside attorney do a complete review and modification of our waivers and releases. He’s an expert in his field, and you will find the new documents to be very different this year. The good news is twofold—we are getting close to having them finalized, and the documents will be initialed (digitally) on each page with a digital signature on the final page. We hope to open the application system soon and will make this year’s camp video available at the same time.